Deriving new Bitcoin addresses from your XPUB


You need persistent storage to keep track of which address index the tool should use. See Setting up persistent storage for Bitcoin DCA

Instead of withdrawing to the same static Bitcoin address every time you make a withdrawal, it’s also possible to supply a Master Public Key to Bitcoin DCA.

After configuring, Bitcoin DCA will start at the first address (index #0) it can derive from your XPUB.

Configuring a XPUB

For the sake of demonstration, we’ll be using the following XPUB here:



It’s very important that you verify the configured XPUB to make sure your Bitcoin will be sent to addresses in your possession.

Verifying the configured XPUB

You can verify that Bitcoin DCA will derive the correct addresses using the following command:

Verifying the configured XPUB
$ docker run --rm -it --env-file=/home/bob/.bitcoin-dca-bobby verify-xpub
│ # │ Address                                    │ Next Withdraw │
│ 0 │ bc1qvqatyv2xynyanrej2fcutj6w5yugy0gc9jx2nn │ <             │
│ 1 │ bc1q360p67y3jvards9f2eud5rlu07q8ampfp35vp7 │               │
│ 2 │ bc1qs4k3p9w4ke5np3lr3lgnma9jcaxedau8mpwawu │               │
│ 3 │ bc1qpk48z0s7gvyrupm2wmd7nr0fdzkxa42372ver2 │               │
│ 4 │ bc1q0uam3l30y43q0wjhq0kwf050uyg23mz7p3frr4 │               │
│ 5 │ bc1qef62h9xt937lu9x5ydv204r7lpk3sjdc575kax │               │
│ 6 │ bc1q2rl0he7zca8a88ax7hf9259c33kd2ux5ffhkqw │               │
│ 7 │ bc1qr9ffza3w6tae4g5m4ydnjvphg8tpgarf5yjgqz │               │
│ 8 │ bc1qr65srxamrmx8zumgv5puljnd93u3sj7lw6cnrg │               │
│ 9 │ bc1q2ufc8j9uw6x7hwqfsdakungk63etanxtkplel0 │               │

[WARNING] Make sure these addresses match those in your client, do not use the withdraw function if they do not.

You can check that the correct address is being used when attempting to withdraw your Bitcoin:

Here, it takes address #0 (bc1qvqatyv2xynyanrej2fcutj6w5yugy0gc9jx2nn) for withdrawal
$ docker run --rm -it --env-file=/home/bob/.bitcoin-dca-bobby --all
Ready to withdraw 0.0013 BTC to Bitcoin Address bc1qvqatyv2xynyanrej2fcutj6w5yugy0gc9jx2nn? A fee of 0.0003 will be taken as withdraw fee. (yes/no) [no]:

After successful withdrawal, the tool will increase the inner index and use address #1 the next time a withdrawal is being made.